The examination process is handled by volunteer HAMs, so when you think you are ready to take the test you can take it right here in Cleveland. The Cleveland Amateur Radio Club has test sessions on the second Saturday of every month except December at 10:00AM Eastern time. Special testing sessions are occasionally approved under extenuating circumstances. At this time, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), is requesting that you register for a FRN number (FCC Registration Number) before you test. You can do so by clicking here.
To learn more about the club and get acquainted with others who share your interest in communications, make plans to attend an upcoming meeting. Informal study sessions are held at the clubhouse each Saturday from 8AM-10AM Eastern time. Formal meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month except December at 7:00PM Eastern at the clubhouse on 560 Johnson Boulevard. It’s easy to spot – there are dozens of antennas around the building.
The current ARRL VEC testing fee is $15, which allows you to take all three of the current test elements on the same day if you are so inclined. We currently have one member who successfully tested his way from walk-in to Amateur-Extra in one go, so it is possible!
The Federal Communications Commission will be changing the way new amateur radio applicants register for a FCC Registration Number (FRN). New applicants, without a FRN, are encourage to first create a FCC User ID and FRN, before taking their examination. Providing the FRN, with your examination application will allow the Volunteer Exam Coordinators or Commercial Operator License Examination Manager to submit your application, with this information. You will be able to use your FRN to use ULS to search the status of your application, with the FCC. To aid in this process, below is a step-by-step video guide that will walk through the steps of creating a FCC User ID and FRN.
Click Here to start the registration process: FCC Registration System.