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W4GZX Repeaters – Wide Area Coverage

W4GZX Repeaters – Wide Area Coverage

The W4GZX Wide Coverage Repeaters are situated atop Bean Mountain adjacent to the Cherokee National Forest in Polk County, TN. Maintained by the Cleveland ARC since 2018, these repeater’s offer a wide range coverage spanning from (North-South) Knoxville, TN to Calhoun, GA, and (East-West) from Cookeville, TN to Murphy, NC.

Two-Meter / 144MHz Band

Our 2-meter Wide Coverage repeater transmits on 147.180MHz with a positive input offset (147.780MHz) and a subaudible tone of 118.8Hz. The weekly STAR Net meets on this repeater most Thursday nights.

Seventy-Centimeter / 440MHz Band

Our 70-CM Wide Coverage repeater is a Yaesu System Fusion Repeater operating in Automatic Mode Select (AMS) allowing for FM analog and C4FM digital Fusion operation. Transmitting on 442.250MHz with a positive input offset (447.250MHz) and a subaudible tone of 118.8Hz.











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