The Cleveland ARC W4GZX local repeaters are frequency coordinated through the Southeastern Repeater Association (SERA) and may be operated under club policies and the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission. Our local repeaters are located at the Cleveland ARC clubhouse at 560 Johnson Blvd in Cleveland, TN.
Two Meter / VHF Band / Local
Our 2-meter local repeater is a Motorola Quantar and transmits at 146.925MHz with a negative input offset (146.325MHz) and a sub-audible tone of 114.8Hz. The repeater is linked to the KA4ELN repeater located on Bean Mountain in Benton, TN. This repeater is used weekly for the Bradley County Auxiliary Communications Service / Amateur Radio Emergency Services net which is conducted on Monday nights at 8:00 pm.
70-Centimeter / UHF Band / Local
Our 70-centimeter repeater is a Yaesu System Fusion Repeater operating in Automatic Mode Select (AMS) allowing for FM analog and C4FM digital Fusion operation. It transmits at 444.275MHz with a positive input offset (449.275MHz) and a sub-audible tone of 114.8Hz.
70-Centimeter / UHF Band / DMR / Local
Our 70-centemeter DMR repeater is a 40-watt Motorola XPR8400 MotoTURBO Repeater operating in full-time DMR mode allowing for two simultaneous voice streams. It transmits at 440.700MHz with a positive input offset (445.700MHz) and a Color Code of 1. Both timeslots are Internet-linked through the BrandMeister network.
- Timeslot 1 is statically linked to Talkgroups 3147 (Tennessee), 31471 (NWS Memphis), 31472 (TN SKYWARN MTEARS), 31473 (Knox-Metro Area), and 314726. Dynamic linking is allowed with a 15-minute timeout.
- Timeslot 2 is statically linked to Talkgroup 31478 (TEMA). Dynamic linking is not allowed.