May 2015 archive

Work Day Tomorrow: 5/30

A work day has been called for this Saturday (5/30) to replace the TA-33 beam antenna and install the two VHF beams. The bucket truck has now been confirmed and will arrive at 8:30. Please be there early so we can wrap this project up in a timely manner.

Alberta ARES Requests Priority Access to 14.135, 7.135, and 3.675 MHz Due to Fires

The following is an unnumbered QST from the RAC bulletin system: [notice]Alberta, Canada, ARES volunteers are responding to assist with communication during a wildfire emergency that has caused the evacuation of thousands of residents. Radio Amateurs of Canada is requesting that Canadian and US amateurs avoid 14.135, 7.135, and 3.675 MHz and give priority access …

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New Nepal Earthquake May 12

The following information is an abridged QST message relayed from Amateur radio emergency nets are reported to have been activated on 14205 kHz and 14215 kHz On 9N1EMERGENCY Colin Wilson posted: Following the announcement this morning of further earthquakes in Nepal we have activated 14205 kHz and our primary frequency for Emergency traffic to …

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Business Meeting this Week

The May business meeting will be held at the clubhouse this Tuesday, May 12. Topics include Field Day preparations, and repairing the beam antenna.

Slow Speed CW Net Has a New Frequency

The Cleveland Amateur Radio Club Slow Speed CW Net will be relocating to a permanent frequency of 7.070.00 Mhz +/- QRM. We look forward to hearing everyone on the 7PM Thursday Night Net!