Cleveland Amateur Radio Club Has Record Breaking Contest Results The Cleveland Amateur Radio Club is now officially a contesting club. Jesse Rogers, W4JUU, announced that the March 24th meeting that the CARC is now officially recognized by the ARRL as a contesting club. This will make submitting logs easier and allow club members to operate …
March 2015 archive
Mar 09
ARRL Affiliated Contesting Club Recognition
I am pleased to announce that the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) has recognized the CARC as an Affiliated Contesting Club. This will allow Multiple Stations, who operate during an ARRL affiliated Contest, to log as how they are operating, plus tally their score with other participates for an overall Club Score. As the amount …
Mar 05
WUTC Phone-bank Volunteers Needed
As a community awareness project, the club will be providing phone bank volunteers for the WUTC pledge drive on Friday, March 20. Jim and I will be operating from 12:00 to 14:00 EDT. There is still a four hour slot open from 07:30 to 12:30 EDT that needs to be filled. Any members who are …
Mar 01
March 2015 Emergency Services Net Calendar
Our big event for March will be our SKYWARN Training Class. The class will be held on the third Thursday, March 19th, and will replace our normal ACS meeting. The event will be held at the George R. Johnson Cultural Heritage Center Theater (Cleveland State) located at 3535 Adkisson Dr NW and will begin at …